ZEP Global

About Us
We primarily invest in hospitality industry in both established and growth-oriented businesses across the globe. We uncover and unlock value by identifying great companies with unexploited potential and strengthen their performance.
Our hospitality consulting services arm provides personalized resort management strategies. We help clients solve problems that are affecting the hospitality industry globally and identify business opportunities.
With our experience in tailoring advice for different resort facilities, we believe that our expertise can help those that want to succeed outperform their competitors.

Private Equity
Disciplined Due Diligence
Our investment strategy is based on a structured due diligence procedure that assesses risk while locating the drivers for increased value.
Transformative Results
We commit to add value by investing in strong businesses where our capital, strategic insight, global relationships and operational support can bring transformation.
Global Experience
Individual team members have vast global experience and been involved in excess of US$100 billion of transactions across all major banking and asset management products.

Consulting Services
Feasibility Studies
We identify the demand of your visitors, evaluate the sustainability and practicality of your facility, and help you set goals for long term success.
Valuation Services
Valuations are critical in the decision-making process of many transactions. We assess whether projects are value enhancing for your facility to capitalize on every opportunity.
Our sector experience and collaborative approach help develop and deliver long-term investment plans for clients considering new systems and major expansions.

Corporate Social Responsibilities
In addition to the success of our clients, environmental friendliness is one of our utmost concerns. We are committed to maximizing your business' potential without negatively impacting the environment. We also conduct all procedures in an ethical and responsible manner.